Consult other modders or other mods to get help with things you can't seem to code - reverse engineering is very useful in both learning and decreasing code time, but never plagiarise other's work. This won't break your game when you don't keep it, but it's much more easier for you as well if you know exactly what's going on with each line of code. Proper indentations, comments using # and being smart with paragraphs make reading code much easier for other people. They often have several bugs and might delete everything you've done if you don't backup. Use AFP s or Graphical Tools to reduce coding time and make coding easier, but always use them with caution. You won't regret it when your new edits cause CTDs the second you start the game. Always have several backup folders if you don't use GitHub. Have a "project" folder that includes all your resources, your workspace, and plans for coordinated modding. Text editors like Atom automatically encode your files into these formats. Don't forget to use UTF-8 encoding for normal files and UTF-8 BOM files for localisation. Use proper folder merging tools instead of copy-paste like WinMerge.
Don't forget to upload every minor change to GitHub if your game has errors it's very easy to go sieve through previous versions if you know what changed through tie.
Use repository managing programs like GitHub to keep track of what you've changed, and to revert any fatal errors you made. It's almost always advised to create separate files for localisation, events, focus trees, etc. Try not to overwrite vanilla files unless their existence create errors or overwrite your content. Similarly, never edit vanilla files- those edits are permanent unless you reinstall the game. ALWAYS create a workspace folder(where you do the editing) separate from your Paradox Interactive\Hearts of Iron\mod directory. #MODS FOR HEARTS OF IRON 5 FREE#
All of them are free it's recommended to have at least two text editors (powerblo uses Atom to manage his projects and Notepad++ to edit individual files) For simplicity, use Notepad++, for convenient folder management use Sublime Text or Atom.
Never use Notepad as your default text editor. But before we get working with brand new content, there's a few precautions and tools you should Right now it shouldn't do anything, but content is something you can stack along with time. #MODS FOR HEARTS OF IRON 5 MOD#
With both of these folders/files, you should be able to select your mod in the game launcher. mod file, containing info on how the game should handle your mod folder
The mod folder, named what you decided your subdirectory was. Inside this folder there should be two nitbits Mods are located in the folder ~/.local/share/Paradox Interactive/Hearts of Iron IV/mod(Mac and Linux) or C \Users\\Documents\Paradox Interactive\Hearts of Iron IV\mod (Windows). If you've finished with all the new bells and whistles, click create mod and you're ready to go. The game version should also be set to the latest current version of the game.ĭon't worry too much if you feel you've made a mistake all of these can be edited later.
Unless you know what you're doing, it's advised to set your directory the same name as your mod(or an abbreviate of it) without spaces or slashes. When you get in there, you can tamper with the title of your mod and add new tags. When you launch HOI4, you'll notice a "Mod Tools" button in the launcher. One of these is the ability to create an empty mod in mere seconds. While unfortunately Paradox hasn't given a lot of documentation about modding, they've given a lot of useful tools to help the modder get going.
These series by The Iron Workshop give several tips on how to make several useful changes, and include a nice introduction on making new provinces.Īlong with these videos, the wiki page below shows a good list of sites you can access to learn coding or refer to resources. The playlist made by Paradox themselves are the canon resource, and while they cover several complicated schemes(new resources, province editing etc.) it's not organised or user friendly and I wouldn't recommend it for the fresh green modder. The playlist by MrKmproductions is by far the most informative and helpful series on Youtube, and help you get quite a far way. These are some of the videos powerblo thinks are the most useful for starting off. If you don't feel like learning modding from text, you can always receive visual guidance. The first few steps are a popular topic and various tutorial videos have been made on it.