The day after the show, a reviewer from the Philadelphia Daily News wrote, 'Philly Finally has its Fillmore,' referring to the famous Fillmore East in New York. To check available dates, ask questions, or get a copy of the rental agreement email towertheaterfriendscenter AT gmail. It all started early one summer in 1972 when the first concert and sold out show took place at the Tower Theater. Yes! You can have a custom message setup or provide your own. yes if you provide your own supplies or purchase them from the Tower, and if you clean everything when done. NO DECORATIONS ARE ALLOWED ON NOR CAN THERE BE ANYTHING OR ANYONE TOUCHING THE SCREEN WALL. Decorations are ok, but are limited some to preserve the interior paint, please discuss your plans and get approval from a member of the Tower Theater management committee.

check to see if your desired date and time are available, print and complete the rental agreement form (it can be emailed to you), and submit deposits (one is a cleaning deposit that will be returned if the building is left in good condition, and the other is half the rental cost). The Salt Lake Film Society (SLFS) operates and maintains the Historic Tower Theater and the Broadway Centre Cinemas, both of which are local cinematic.

the rental includes the usage of the building, stage and stage curtain, stage and dance lighting, kitchen, bathrooms, and sound system to play music, and use of microphones or instrument jacks. Owned and operated by the Tower Theatre Foundation, the historic Tower Theatre brings culture to Central Oregon through entertaining. A tutorial will be given at the time of rental or before, but if more is needed the renter will need to come to an agreement with the trained operator to provide help during the rental. Help with equipment: The lighting, sound, computer and projector equipment can be run for a fee depending on hours needed. 3 or fewer hours = $15, 6 or fewer hours = $30, more than 6 hours = ask for details. Projector Use: Due to the fact that the projector is an expensive piece of equipment and the time in which it is used reduces the lamp's overall lifespan, there is an extra charge to use the projector.
Great for all kinds of activities: Host a Movie party, Birthday party, Wedding reception, Family or Class reunion, Dance, Video game party, and many other options! This deposit is refunded when the building is left in satisfactory and clean condition. In addition to the suggested donation, an additional $50 cleaning deposit is requested. Under Fresno City Zoning ordinances, community, and religious assembly are prohibited at the Tower Theatre.However, Adventure Church holds Sunday services at the Tower Theatre, in violation of zoning law, and the City of Fresno refuses to enforce the zoning law. SLFS has upgraded projection and sound technologies for better film presentation, and patrons of the Tower Theatre can enjoy cool and comfortable summer screenings.

The Tower Theater suggested donation rates! The Salt Lake Film Society (SLFS) operates and maintains the Historic Tower Theater and the Broadway Centre Cinemas, both of which are local cinematic landmarks.